Hi, I’m Josh Haroldson and welcome to the Dad Always Told Me Podcast! Where each episode I’m going to explore the connections between creativity, problem-solving, and the funny business that is life as a parent. And this is episode zero. The intro episode.
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All right. Welcome to episode zero of Dad Always Told Me. The intro episode! My name’s Josh Haroldson and after 10 plus years working in marketing, I quit my job to watch our little dude full-time.
So now, while my wife’s working in the “real world”, my days are spent helping out the family business that is our home and the organization that is our family.
And that means I’m constantly learning what it means to be, to succeed, and to fail as a modern stay-at-home-dad. AKA problem-solver, freelancer, founder, writer, chef, photographer, handyman, and everyday adventurer.
And, you know, what? That’s pretty cool. Because since becoming a stay-at-home dad, I’ve realized my superpower isn’t being great at just one thing. It’s being great at connecting my skills across lots of different things.
And then, when I smash those skills together, like applying copywriting and marketing principles to building a garden, I can create useful things for my family. And now with this podcast, you too!
So, here’s what you can expect from Dad Always Told Me.
First of all, this is a fun show. And as my favorite author, P.G. Wodehouse says, full of us sweetness and light. And straightaway, please don’t take anything I say too seriously, and maybe don’t listen to my advice either.
I won’t be offended because I’m just one, normal dad with some ideas I want to pass on to my kids. And, uh, for some possibly misguided reason, the internet, too.
So, I’ll try my best to fill each episode with evergreen lessons I’m learning about problem-solving as a dad. The kind of stuff I want to pass on to my kids. So that one day he might say, “You know, Dad always told me…”
And that means some episodes I’ll attempt to be profound. Like how I think about defining your primary goals as a parent. But in other episodes, I’m going to be super practical. Like my lazy dad system for meal planning, how to use a kitchen scale for baking bread or making a killer pour-over, or how to pick good hobbies as a parent.
And occasionally the episodes will just be profoundly silly. Like when I talk about the inflatable swimming pool that saved us hundreds of dollars in daycare or my “Dad Physical Fitness Test” And I’m sure plenty of other dumb stuff, too.
But, no matter what I’m rambling about, I hope you hear some actionable tips and good questions to ask yourself so you can make your own family business as successful as you want it to be.
So, welcome again. And thanks for listening to the show. Seriously. I really appreciate it.
I’m your host, Josh Haroldson, and this is Dad Always Told Me.
Oh, and, uh, before I go. Remember. Don’t quit. Make it easy.