An easy way to sharper knives with the Chef’s Choice 4643. Our knives were dull. We got them 10 years ago as a wedding gift. They’d never been sharpened. Why? I thought it was too hard to do it myself. And too expensive and annoying to find a professional sharpener to take care of it…. [Read More]
10 Can: A simple game to stop feeling overwhelmed and start taking action
Feeling stuck? Overwhelmed by a big problem? Not sure what to do? A quick game of “10 Can” might be all you need to get out of your rut. The best part? You can play it anywhere as long as you’ve got a few minutes, a piece of paper, and something to write with. Before… [Read More]
4 Easy Tips to Start Cleaning When You Don’t Know Where to Start
It took us four years to start cleaning our basement. Between moving in, renovations, full-time jobs, and a new baby, our basement got so messy we didn’t know where to start. But thanks to a simple, 4-step process I stole from my business life, I was able to start crushing my procrastination. And now,… [Read More]
Instagram: How Having a Baby Taught Me To Enjoy Halloween
I (used to) hate Halloween costumes. And barf. Plus: Eating other people’s food. The mere idea of touching poop. Spit. Jam hands. And dancing like an idiot. Yet, I’ve done all those things — and even enjoyed most of them* — in the last seven months. Babies will do that to you. So, here’s me… [Read More]
Why I Drove 4.5 Hours for 35 Minutes of Memories
Lake Superior has been the backdrop for so many memories in my life. It’s where I looked forward to exploring every summer as a kid. It’s where I learned about finding beauty and appreciating a sense of place. It’s where I took thousands of photos and started to master my camera…while learning I don’t know… [Read More]
Dad Always Told Me: What’s Constant Baby Time?
Photo: @joshharoldson | Larsmont Cottages on Lake Superior The funny thing about having a baby is that you spend SO MUCH TIME TOGETHER with your spouse, but almost none of it is truly alone. The first few weeks are what I call, “Constant Baby Time”. 24 hours a day you’re together one way or another… [Read More]
6 Dumb (But Useful) Lessons From My First 3 Months as a New Dad
As of today, I’ve been a dad for just about 3 months. And in that time I’ve learned a lot. So for Father’s Day, here are 6 lessons I’ve learned during my first 3 months as a new dad. Lesson #1 — Don’t hold your baby in any way whatsoever that lets the poop flow… [Read More]
What’s Brewing at Haroldson House?
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Josh Haroldson (@joshharoldson) Have you ever had something brewing that you’re not quite ready to talk about? But all you want to do is talk about it? Well, this is the MOTHER (#dadjokes) of all of those things, because we’re excited to finally share that we’re… [Read More]